
“How I Got in the Billboard Business” – Owners share their stories. Wayne Briggs from Motion Media Billboards

How I Got Started Motion Media Billboards

Watchfire Signs

Verde Capital Ad 1

Thanks to Motion Media Billboards for sharing their story with The Scoop about how they got into the billboard business. Check out Wayne’s story below…

What is your first memory of having an interest in the advertising industry?

My first interest was in 1998 when my wife and I bought a piece of property along a new 4 lane Hwy.  It was 6 acres and we bought it for a song but had no idea what to use it for until we drove by a billboard with an “Advertise Here” on it.  I called the number a few days later.  When he told me the monthly cost, I turned to my wife and said “We’re building a billboard”  That was back when I had no idea you could buy billboards.

What led up to you deciding to start an out-of-home advertising company?

I worked construction at the time so I built it from scratch using a portable welder and a lift.  It had two 12″ columns and was 30′ high.   I used old 500 gallon fuel tanks that I cut the ends off of for forms for the footings.  Size was 10′ by 24′ back to back.  We now have 130 static faces and 5 digitals.

What is one of your favorite projects/campaigns you’ve worked on?

My favorite project was the local hospital that had a certain message and wanted a design with a clock.  I had an idea to put a motor on the big hand so it spun something like 15 times a minute.  I am sure it was illegal, but pretty attention-getting from the road.

Is there a funny or unique story you care to share with the community?

The funniest story was when I mounted a mannequin on top of a board.  The Sheriff called the client who in turn called me and said to take it down because one of their deputies spent a few minutes that night after I installed it trying to coax the guy down (mannequin to not jump).  They had like fifteen 911 calls of a possible jumper.   The story made the front page of the newspaper.  See below. Another funny part of that was that an hour after I took it down the client called and asked if I could put it up again because the TV Station wanted to interview him under the sign with the mannequin in place.

mannequin billboard Story

What’s your impression of the current state of our business? Are you seeing growth, future predictions, etc…

I think the future of outdoor is great.  We do compete a lot with other mediums (internet, etc) but I have found that clients keep coming back to outdoor.  It’s the best!

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