
AdQuick joins the Media Rating Council

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AdQuick, the leading adtech in the out-of-home (OOH) advertising space, proudly announces it has joined the Media Rating Council (MRC) and has a seat on the Board of Directors. This announcement underscores AdQuick’s commitment to driving transparency, reliability, and innovation in advertising measurement standards.

The Media Rating Council plays the pivotal role in safeguarding the advertising industry from fraud and establishing robust standards for what constitutes an advertising impression. By joining the MRC board, AdQuick will have a crucial voice in defining these standards and addressing key industry issues.

Recently, the MRC released its first set of standards for OOH impressions, marking a milestone in the industry’s evolution. As a new board member, AdQuick will actively participate in the standards committees, contributing to the ongoing refinement of these guidelines. Phase 1 of the updated standards has been released, focusing on the foundational elements of impression measurement. Phase 2, which is forthcoming, will concentrate on setting standards for how to measure the number of individuals in an audience.  AdQuick’s measurement expertise will be instrumental in defining how to accurately measure audiences, ensuring that brands and agencies can trust in the audience planning and measurement that is increasingly happening in OOH.

“Out-of-home advertising has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in tangibly growing business; for example, in multiple independent media mix models (MMMs), our clients have seen OOH perform significantly better than other channels at generating incremental revenue,” said Jason Kunkel-de Cesero, VP Partnership. “AdQuick’s involvement with the MRC will help to breed confidence in OOH’s abilities relative to other channels, and help to position OOH as a more reliable and integral component of modern advertising strategies.”

By elevating the standards of OOH with cross-channel measurement, AdQuick aims to build greater trust among vendors and provide a more transparent and accountable advertising ecosystem. AdQuick joins the MRC at a pivotal time, leveraging its significant advancements in OOH buying and analytics, including audience measurement, to shape the future of OOH advertising. With its newfound influence on the MRC board, AdQuick is poised to guide the industry towards greater precision and trustworthiness in advertising measurement.

“I’m very encouraged by the steps AdQuick is taking by embracing the MRC standards process and their laser focus on the importance of quality data will do nothing but grow the OOH industry at a time when change is unnerving to many,” said Chris Cowlbeck, CVO for IBO USA.  “Our IBO Speedway enables some interesting analytics that will be helped by the rigor of the MRC process and AdQuick has been a leader in seeing that potential.”

“We appreciate AdQuick’s decision to participate in MRC as a member and bring its voice to our proceedings, especially into our near-term work to complete the second phase of the OOH Measurement Standards,” said George Ivie, CEO and Executive Director of MRC. “AdQuick’s commitment to get closer to our work shows great leadership and we look forward to their inputs alongside our existing members to make our standards and processes as good as they can be.”

Source: AdQuick

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