Have you updated your modems to 4G?

Hopefully, by now you know that all 3G service providers are phasing out this technology and will only be supporting 4G and up in the very near future. What does this mean for digital out of home (DOOH)? It means when the service providers finally pull the plug on 3G, any billboards or displays with 3G modems will lose all communication. You will not be able to schedule any messages or communicate with your digital screens.
How long until 3G is completely phased out?
Verizon has been notifying its customers for over a year now that their 3G service will be gone by 12/31/2019. We’ve heard rumors that they may keep it longer than that, but only Verizon knows fore sure. We recommend replacing your older 3G modems asap to avoid any loss in your sign communications.
AT&T has said it will be completely phased out of 3G by the year 2022. Giving customers 2 years longer than Verizon to replace their modems. Both companies are doing the phase-out so they can focus more on 5G technology.
What is the process of replacing 3G modems on digital billboards?
Roland Digital Media has shared with us their process of replacing their 3G modems in their Watchfire digital billboards.
Step 1: Contact your digital screen/billboard provider and get a list of your locations that still use 3G. If they are the modem device provider, initiate the buys for the newer 4G devices.
Step 2: The modem provider will give you IMEI and device ID numbers. Give those numbers to your cellular service provider (Verizon or AT&T for example). Tell them to set up new phone lines on these devices.
Step 3: Once the new lines of services are activated, pass that information along to your modem provider so they can connect the two.
Step 4: Have your billboard service technicians take the new 4G devices/modems to the sign and swap out the older modems. Verify that you are able to connect to the signs.
Step 5: Cancel the old 3G phone number. Doing it this way ensures no downtime on your digital billboards.
Questions or comments about the 3G to 4G swap out on your digital signs? Give us a call at 931-881-5979. Or email us here.