How DOOH is Helping Handle the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the modern world continues to move into unprecedented territory with the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and strives to find ways of coping with the evolving pandemic, the Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) and digital signage industries have unique roles to play. In fact, one might say that our distinctive ability to mass communicate across a variety of technology platforms in real time actually obligates us to help with disseminating important public health information.
And it must be said that plenty of companies have risen to that occasion by prioritizing and interrupting their “regularly scheduled programming” or ad-supported content to provide valuable updates, preventative hygiene measures and even digital content templates to help streamline the process for competitors. That said, the example below is extra notable for its partnership and messaging collaboration with the United States’ official health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Out-of-Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) recently partnered with the CDC to offer professionally approved guidelines and virus-related announcements in a variety of DOOH formats on thousands of units across the country. That includes signage displayed on Lamar Advertising’s digital billboards, retail environment kiosks, and even the back of semi-trucks and other vehicles.
“Building on our strong role as community partners, OOH is doing its part as an industry to use the power of the medium to inform communities about how to stay safe and access resources against the threat from coronavirus (COVID-19),” said OAAA President & CEO Anna Bager. “In partnerships with local, state, and the federal government, thousands of DOOH screens across the country are providing citizens with vital messaging, often in real-time, about staying safe, helping communities navigate this fluid environment.”
With creative development from OUTFRONT Media’s National Creative Director Eddy Herty, the OAAA and the CDC began by asking Americans to stay home when ill, avoid touching their faces and wash their hands often for a minimum of 20 seconds. As the situation has persisted and intensified, that messaging has evolved to include social distancing reminders and shout-outs to our nation’s grocery stores for dealing with product shortages as well as working long hours during mass quarantine.
Rest assured that this messaging will continue to evolve accordingly in the coming weeks. Also, another kudos to everyone in our industries who has helped do their part for the greater good.