Mashburn Outdoor Acquires UniStar Outdoor South Carolina Assets

Mashburn Outdoor based in Atlanta, GA has acquired the static and
digital billboard assets outdoor covering the GreenvilleSpartanburg South Carolina metro markets.
Information about Mashburn Outdoor–
Mashburn Outdoor (MOA) has owned and operated (750+) digital and static faces since 2010 located in Chattanooga &, Tri-Cities, TN, Columbia, SC, Montgomery & Birmingham AL and currently owns and operates (52) digital & static faces in Atlanta, GA & Greenville-Spartanburg, SC markets.
Mashburn Outdoor also owns:
Stadium Digital Media Group LLC (SDMG) which provides revenue through on- site large
format digital spectacular sponsorship opportunities for colleges and universities.
ATMedia Outdoor (ATM)- the largest curbside airport advertising company in the US with (40+ airports) targeting high-income business and leisure travelers. (ATM) also provides the target and reach with metro shuttle transit wraps at high-profile sporting events such as College bowl & Conference championship events, The Super Bowl, and NCAA
National Championship football and basketball events.