OUTFRONT Media Announces Call For Entries For OUTFRAME 2020
OUTFRONT Media Inc. (NYSE: OUT) invites creatives in the advertising and media industry, and artists everywhere, to submit artwork for its second annual OUTFRAME competition. This year, OUTFRAME’s offer to the artist community is an opportunity to submit a creation based on their interpretation of the theme ‘out of love.’ The contest enables highly public sharing of creativity – and reinforces the power of the out of home platform whether it be for a brand, business or in this case, a cause.

Credit: Peter Tunney

Artwork by Wilfredo “Bio” Feliciano

Artwork by Matthew Ryan Herget “Mr. Herget”

Artwork by Tim Wasicki
“Out of love” is both timely and daring as the theme is open to multiple interpretations; artists can choose to either focus on the word “love” and create work from a point of passion, or conversely the inspiration could stem from the word “out” as in all out of love, suggesting frustration and a desire for change. Artist work must be designed with consideration for the OOH display environment, meaning a large digital billboard predominately along roadways with a vehicular audience in mind.
The winning artwork will be displayed on digital out of home assets across the United States in November. Utilizing its platform for good, OUTFRONT will also donate a one month digital OOH campaign to the charity of the winner’s choosing. OUTFRONT encourages all creative talent to participate whether associated with an ad agency, a brand, a freelancer, or simply an artist with heart.
This year’s panel of judges is an elite and diverse group of experts from the advertising and street art world; including last year’s OUTFRAME winner, Ryan Artell from 160over90, and acclaimed artist, Peter Tunney, of The Peter Tunney Studio. They have all been invited to help kick off the competition with their own interpretation of “out of love,” which are being displayed on OUTFRONT billboards and amplified on social media channels.
Peter Tunney, the lead judge, has very effectively used billboards to promote themes like “courage,” “unity,” and “appreciation” for many years. “OUTFRONT Media has been an unbelievable media partner to me for years,” said Peter Tunney. “The ‘Courage’ billboard is the single greatest moment in my artist career. I’m so happy and honored to be involved in OUTFRAME.”
Joining Tunney and Artell on the judging panel are:
- Ray Smiling, Creative Director, Johannes Leonardo
- Anne Di Lillo, Design Director, Selman
- Matthew Ryan Herget “Mr Herget,” Street Artist
- Chris “Daze” Ellis, Street Artist
- Wilfredo “Bio” Feliciano, Street Artist
- Tim Wasicki, East Region Creative Director, OUTFRONT Media
“This year’s OUTFRAME competition has a very special sentiment to it,” said Tim Wasicki, East Region Creative Director of OUTFRONT Media. “Artists get a chance to be highlighted not just for their passions and their respective discipline, but also have a unique opportunity to provide a sense of comfort to those around who will see their work. With OUTFRAME, creatives now have a chance to express themselves the best way they know how, in such an important time in history, and on one of the biggest and most powerful devices they can possibly have…out of home.”
The OUTFRAME 2020 Winner will be announced in November. To learn more about this competition and all entry details, terms and conditions, please visit wegetyou.com/OUTFRAME. Follow OUTFRAME on Instagram: @OUTFRAME2020. No purchase is necessary to enter this contest.
About OUTFRONT Media Inc.
OUTFRONT leverages the power of technology, location and creativity to connect brands with consumers outside of their homes through one of the largest and most diverse sets of billboard, transit, and mobile assets in North America. Through its technology platform, OUTFRONT will fundamentally change the ways advertisers engage audiences on-the-go.