Proven OOH Sales Growth with Tasty Ad

Let me ask you a question. Present a scenario for you. Let’s say you’re in the market for a new car. You visit your local dealership and speak with the salesman that eagerly approaches you before you can even get in the door.
I need a new car you tell him. Great he says, we have plenty. You discuss the various options they have, mid-size, leather seats, sporty or sedan… But then he drops a bomb… He says let’s get your signature on a contract and then we’ll show you what we’ve got. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t buy from that dealership. I’d get out of there as fast as I could.
So we like to see what we’re buying don’t we? If it’s a car, a new phone or a pair of sneakers. We gotta see it first. So how do you think our potential billboard customers feel when we walk in with only a contract and maybe a map and some photos of the location. Something is missing right? We’re not showing them what they are buying. The finished product. The ad, artwork or creative!
Imagine how delightful the sales process would be for both you and your potential advertiser if you presented them some great looking ads for their business before they ever saw a contract. It would be easier to get in the door and get a conversation going wouldn’t it?
We should all be doing this for every potential customer, and every renewal, every time. But wait… I have to wait 3 days to get a piece of spec art from my designer. And if I don’t have an in-house designer I have to pay an outrageous fee just for one ad. We know. We have been in outdoor for decades and have seen the same challenges of selling that everyone else has. That’s why we did something about it. We created a program that anyone can use to create premium outdoor ads in minutes, not days. No design skills needed. And super easy to use.
Tasty Ad uses the tools and strategies that we have been using for years to keep a 95% or higher occupancy rate on our local billboard network of 23 digital displays for nearly a decade, with a very small sales staff. We simply put this method into a program for everyone else to take advantage of.
We offer a free 2 week trial because we know you will see the benefits of using it for yourself, and continue to do so. If you use it everyday, get familiar with it, and really take advantage of it as a sales tool for creating spec ads for every customer, YOU WILL see an increase your sales.