The BEST Real Estate Billboard Ads

Below are a few ideas for Real Estate related billboards.
These ads are for reference only. We do not recommend copying them.
This agent created billboard ads based on every season or holiday. It’s a great way to keep the advertiser’s message fresh. A headline related to the season that ties into the home buying/selling aspect. This billboard advertiser is taking full advantage of what digital can offer.
This agent also ran listing ads. But not too many. Billboard ads are great for a lot of things, but don’t water down your campaign with tons of listings. Stick with one or two great ones and mix in some branding/promo ads.
Branding & Promo Ads. A short headline that makes a bold statement is the way to go. Check out some of these promo ad examples that knock it out of the park!
Agent specific/acknowledgement billboards. Displaying pics of the agents (and their dogs, like the example below) is a great way to boost employee morale.
EVERY digital billboard customer should be doing PSA’s (public service announcements). It’s a great way to tell the public “We care about what’s going on in the community”. Check out these PSA examples below:
Creating great spec art for potential billboard advertisers doesn’t have to be hard. Check out these ideas from Roland Digital Media:
• Find a photo of the owners/employees on FB (Come See us!)
• Best Pizza in Town, Best Steak in Town, Best Coffee in Town, etc…
• Happy Holidays, Happy 4th of July, Happy Valentines Day, Etc…
• Simple Logo Ad (with phone and address)
• Shop Local! (if it’s a small business not a chain)
• Testimonial (Find a good one on their FB page, Make it short)
• NOW OPEN or COMING SOON (If it’s a new business)
• Feature a product or service listed on their website
• Slogan as headline (If the company has one)