
The Psychology of Billboards: What Makes an Ad Memorable?

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Amid the overwhelming flood of daily advertisements on TV, social media, online, and out-of-home platforms, we remember only a small fraction. This is because different ads resonate with different people and personalities. However, there are some aspects that can help ad recall on a more global basis. There are some things we can do to help our billboard ads stand out and be remembered among all of their viewers.

How Color Affects Memory In Billboard Adverting

According to studies, warm colors like yellow, red, and orange contribute to better memory recall. This is because we associate red and yellow with stop signs and traffic warnings.

So not only do warmer colors like yellow, orange, and red draw the eye to a billboard, but they also help the viewer remember the ad.

How Images Affect Ad Recall Rates

There’s something called the “Picture Superiority Effect“. Visual information tends to be more memorable because our brains process it in a way that allows for greater retention. This is partly because visual content is usually more concrete and easier to grasp, whereas verbal information can be more abstract and harder to comprehend. As a result, it’s easier to remember and draw connections to visual information.

What does this mean for billboard advertisements? We should use clear concise pictures and graphics that quickly convey the message of the ad. Showcasing the product or service in a photo or graphic that clearly demonstrates what you want the viewer to understand is critical for maximum ad recollection.

As they say: A picture is worth a thousand words!

How Emotion Plays A Role In Memorable Advertising

Emotions can enhance memory by making certain events stand out more. When an event triggers an emotional response, the brain treats it as important and worth remembering. This could be an emotional trigger from your childhood, a happy memory in your life, or something you feel strongly about.

We’ve all seen ASPCA advertisements with sad music and images of malnourished animals. They tug at your heartstrings and make you want to take action, even if you’re not an animal lover.

How Timing And Visibility Play A Role In Advertising

The Rule of 7 in marketing suggests that a potential customer needs to see a brand’s messages at least seven times before deciding to make a purchase. This idea began in the 1930s when movie studios discovered that repeated exposure to their advertisements was necessary to attract audiences. The rule underscores the importance of frequent exposure to enhance brand recognition.

How many times have you driven by the same billboard? Quite often most likely. One great thing about OOH is that it’s easy to get the same message in front of the same person multiple times as we’re not competing with as many ads as online or social.

Using The Above Practices In Billboard Advertising

Depending on what type of advertiser you are creating ads for, you can utilize some or all of these practices. You might not use warm colors like red and yellow on a billboard ad for a nursing home, but you can use emotional imagery and clear headlines to help your ad perform better when it comes to ad recall. Use your own judgment with each advertiser as to what practices work best for them and their industry.


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