
What is Spotzi bringing to IBO Speedway?

Spotzi IBO Speedway OOH

Verde Capital Ad 1

Remco Dolman, CEO of Spotzi, provides consumer insights data to around 30 countries.  Planners on the buy side use these consumer insights to target our display locations, but many times we don’t know the parameters that they use to make those decisions.  In this environment, we must wait for them to identify us so we can receive an RFP to enter their game.  We want to shift this around and take our story to them!

Spotzi accesses the same data that most all other data services gather in the USA, which can be segmented to at least 5,000 segments or slices of the types of consumers, like soccer moms or beer drinkers or Hispanics over 55 years old.  Obviously this is a lot of information and practically, we media owners are mostly interested in the top ten consumer insights from a sales standpoint, so we can align the various displays that we know a buyer will have interest in.

Remco was able to deliver these top ten segments, but the other thing that was very impressive is their ability to generate wicked online links that include maps and data related to our display locations, in mass, for our IBO Speedway as shown in the screenshot below.  They are also able to map the traffic intensity and scoring from MetricOOH, the Cuende Infometrics satellite imagery solution soon to roll out for our members.  Our PerView impressions, reach and frequency offering is in its second year and will also be seamlessly integrated.  All this info will be combined into one URL for easy marketing and summary reporting across our footprint.  Media Owners can subscribe to customer white label instances and integrate with their local websites, or simply use the standard basic information available in our OOH CHARGER via the OOH Info interfacing.

The bottom line is that we have a best in class data and traffic metrics for use nationally or locally, in a KISS (Keep It Simple Simple) manner, AND at very affordable prices given our co-op structure.  Check out the various USE CASES as they come online on our BLOG.


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